The Value of Women | Mark 5
Mark 5
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What part of this chapter did you most resonate with?
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Chapter Notables:
Jesus delivers a demon possessed man and the pigs - verses 1-20
The woman with the issue of blood and Jarius’ daughter - verses 10-20
The Woman and The Girl | Lemuel Ayudtud
There’s an old song that says, “Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world.” The song reflects the love of Jesus for those who have the heart of a child. But Jesus doesn’t just love children, He loves all people. From the fetus to the centennial and to the final days, Jesus loves all ages of people.
It’s interesting to consider that in this particular chapter Jesus deals with a young girl as well as an older woman. The young girl was the daughter of a well-known man, and the woman was an outcast of her society. Two drastically different lives, gapped in age. Both of them of the female gender.
I think it’s significant that this chapter speaks of women. In that period of history women were not the central part of stories. Most were considered mere usable property, home keeping members of society. Having the story pivot on these two women is inconsistent of that days’ common narrative. When we consider this, I come up with the conclusion that God is not about society’s thoughts on people. Everyone, young or old, male or female, bond or free, are precious in the sight of God. Women, specifically, being disenfranchised at that time, God chose to highlight to bring attention to their value.
Mark shares with us that God in Christ Jesus heals both of these women. The young girl raised back to life and the old woman healed from 12 years of miserable bleeding condition. The young girl still under her father‘s care, and the old woman had wasted her money on trying to get healing for her condition. Their miracles happened one on top of each other. It’s intentional: God showcasing His power to heal both the young and the old to bring attention to the plight of women. The young girl was loved by her father, the older woman was ostracized by her community. The young girl just started her life, the older woman was losing her life. Jesus meets both of their needs.
Most people would think that the suffrage movement for women started just a few hundred years ago if not earlier, but God has always been about the “rights“ of women. Not only that, He also sees the needs of children as well as the needs of adults. Like women, there are people who think God is too far off for children, but He’s very near to them. Where did we get these thoughts about women from? who really knows? But one thing we can see, God does not discriminate whether gender or age. God loves the people that society under values. He shows their worth by treating them the same as men.
The story also showcases the love of God as Father. Jarius, the father whose daughter Jesus raised to life, called onto Jesus because of his love for his young daughter. Jesus goes to resurrect her from the dead, but heals the woman with the issue of blood before getting there. The quintessential moment happens when after Jesus asked, “Who touched me?” the Bible tells us the woman was afraid, but Jesus allayed her fears.
Why was she afraid? Because what she did was against the laws of the Pharisees and the elders of that place. Firstly, she was not to touch anything because of her bleeding issue. But not only that, she was not supposed to touch Jesus because she was a woman and doing so was forbidden.
Women were not supposed to go directly to a rabbi or a teacher. They had to have their husbands or sons or fathers be the one that approaches. And the fact that she actually grabbed the hem of His garment was even more scandalous. So the moment Jesus asked, “Who touched me,” she thought that He was going to rebuke her for touching Him. Instead, Jesus played the role of Father to this woman, calling her daughter. What a moment that must’ve been not only for that woman but for everyone else hearing it. Instead of belittling her like the priest and the elders most likely have had, Jesus loved on her as God truly have had. Instead of her fear of rejection, she received acceptance and connection. (Go deeper on the women’s “real” issues during Biblical times.)
What a God we serve, y’all? We have a loving God who is a generational Giver. He knows our trouble and our thoughts of ourselves. He knows our needs and carries our burdens. Yes, especially those who are disenfranchise, God is out to love them and care for them.
Lord, teach us to love those You love, especially those that society has pushed aside. Father, help us to cherish those You cherish; and to call those that have been apart from You, brothers or sisters. Teach us, Lord Jesus, to not be moved by society6 thoughts, but let it be about Your thoughts and love for us. Lord, teach us to help those that may be in need. Whether it’s hatred, envy, jealousy, help us to show love that comes from you. We pray this, in Your Name, Jesus, amen.