Speaker, Preacher, Teacher, Pastor, and Author from New York City.



All content on this site seek to glorify the Name of Jesus and Magnify His Name among the peoples of the world.

I love God’s Word. It has been a rock for me since I was in my teens. And, I love sharing and preaching the Good News of God’s Word, that is, the Death, Burial and Resurrection of Jesus!

I am also passionate about new ideas and challenges. God has gifted me with a mind to innovate and troubleshoot.


Great God, Great People.

Telling the story of an invincible God who lifts unsuspecting people to incredible heights.



In 22+ years of preaching and pastoral ministry, I have seen God do miraculous things for broken people.

Almost 16 years of wedded bliss to my beautiful bride, Jennifer, has blessed us with 4 gifted and favored children—Amber, Adinah, Alena and Adam. We have a marriage ministry together called, “Simple Marriage Ministry”.

5 years of professional photography has helped me focus my creative vision for not only photographic art, but the art of life itself.

With over 50 songs composed, written and played over 30 years, I have learned to express angst, longing and victory over melody. It has pulled me through difficult moments of life, for sure! God has definitely ministered to me through these gifts more often than I can express.

And I can’t believe that I have over 24+ years of licensed and registered nursing experience under my belt. Man, time sure flies. With those many years, I have seen a myriad of people at their most vulnerable times helping me to deepen my empathy and sense of value for life and family.