Depression | Day 5
Deuteronomy 31:8; 2 Samuel 22:17-22; Deuteronomy 33:27; Psalms 27:14; Psalms 34:18-19; Psalms 55:22; Psalms 143:7-8
Please comment below with your conversation with God and/or insights from today’s Scriptures.
You can answer the following:
What are the Scriptures telling you about God through our “down” times ?
Have you experienced feeling alone, overwhelmed and crushed? What thoughts did you battle through and how were you able to manage living life?
How have you seen God move in your moments of hurting and lows, if you have?
What is your prayer to God regarding feelings and even the condition of depression—in line with the Scripture reading?
Don’t forget to join us nightly at 7pm on and join the conversation about the Scriptures and topic at hand.
Our Caring God | Lemuel Ayudtud
We humans go through a myriad of experiences in this life. There are times that our heart hurts and we sink because of others’ actions or inactions. And then there are those times where we mess ourselves up through decisions we make that do not pan out.
Our dreams and hopes can be crushed by circumstances and we can find ourselves caught in a landslide of emotions. These emotions can bring us into darkened days and nights. Though at times we know, consciously, better, we are not able to muster the internal strength to get out from the darkness and get back into the light, so to speak.
There is God through the misery and the mess. He is a constant. A help in times of trouble. By His Spirit we are lifted and by His Words we are guided. When we are overwhelmed with cares and our spirits are low, He is the lifter of our heads and the comfort for our souls. How? By His connection to us.
If we would yield, if we would call on Him, if we would trust Him with our hurting hearts, He is faithful and He is palpable. His Presence is our comfort and our healing.
One constant that lines the Scriptures is the care of God for humanity. He is “burdened” by our concerns and He is near to those who are hurting. From Genesis all the way to Revelation, the Bible expresses the care of God for us. In fact, that care was fully fleshed out in the life of Jesus. His death at the cross and His subsequent resurrection was the full expression of that care.
The saving grace of God is actually the zenith of God’s expression of care and concern. Apart from the death and resurrection of Jesus, there would be no salvation for mankind. I guess, ultimately, that’s what love is, right? An unmitigated expression of love through care and concern. He didn’t have to die, but He did to show us His great love for us.
Lord teach me to yield to You. In those moments and even times where I just want to crawl into a ball and cry because of life, lead me to You. Help me to embrace Your care for me. Help me to take those crushing emotions and trust in Your care for me. Teach me to be strong in heart by knowing that You are holding on to me. In Your Name, Jesus, I pray. Amen.
Depression | Day 5 Conversation | 21 Days