There Will Be Challenges | Matthew 10
Matthew 10
Please comment below with your conversation with God and/or insights from today’s Scriptures.
You can answer the following:
What’s your first impressions about this chapter?
How would you have responded if you were one of the 12 to the instructions of Jesus?
How do you feel about Him telling them that He’s come to bring a sword?
What is your prayer to God brought on by this chapter?
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Chapter Notables:
The names of the 12 disciples - verses 1-4
Jesus instructs His disciples on expectations and best practices - verses 5-42
Freely received, freely give - verses 5-8
You don’t have to be fully ready; don’t let rejection derail you - verses 9-14
Overriding attitude when going and sharing - verses 16-20
Your very own family may not accept you - verses 21-23
The student is not greater than the Teacher, if they hated Me, they’ll hate you - verses 24-25
Be courageous - verses 26-31
Acknowledging versus denying Christ will receive the same - verses 32-33
Doing the work for Him, He will reward us - verses 40-42
Called To The Challenge | Lemuel Ayudtud
Whoever told you that believing and living for God is a crutch have not lived a day in our shoes. If they know what it means to be an active believer in Jesus, they’ll realize it ain’t for the weak of heart.
In this chapter of Matthew, Jesus takes the opportunity to teach His newly gathered 12 disciples about some expectations and preparations they must experience in their mission to take His message to the masses. It’s not the pep talk you’d think someone who was just starting out would tell His new recruits. Some of it can be viewed as demotivating more than anything.
Do not get any gold or silver or copper to take with you in your belts— no bag for the journey or extra shirt or sandals or a staff, for the worker is worth his keep
Most people would not do anything if they know that the “project” is not funded (even in part). Why? It’s just natural: no one wants to go out and make a fool of themselves or start something and it doesn’t get completed. And from the other Scriptures we’re told that we should make sure that we count the cost, so it even makes Biblical sense not to go ahead without considering the funding of an endeavor. So why would Jesus tell the 12 to not consider money or even extra clothes?
The possible answers are:
Do not making merchandise out of the Gospel. Not to sell healing or miracles or the message.
Make faith decisions greater than financial ones. When there’s a vision, God will send His provision.
Don’t get caught up in analysis paralysis when you don’t do anything because you’re overthinking everything.
The preaching of the Gospel is paramount. Nothing may ever be the perfect setting for what Jesus calls us to do in regards to reaching lost souls. The outreach is the most important. Don’t let money get in the way of the message. Don’t let lack of provision stop you from pursuing the vision God has for His work. Don’t allow your look or your clothing or your accommodations or comfort to dictate your calling and mission. You are sent! That’s the most important. So go!
There will be challenges ahead. This walk with God takes guts because it’s rooted in faith. Not everything around you will be ideal when you start walking in the way that God wants you to walk. Your family may be a great hindrance to your mission. They may even disown you for your embrace of God’s calling (what’s more difficult than that?). People will reject you and hurt your feelings.
Yet, you have to be kind when others are hurtful. You have to be gracious when others are curt. You have to be patient when others are abrupt and rude. You have to be forgiving when people offend you (and they will), you have to understanding when others show their ignorance, among other actions and behaviors. We’re being sent as sheep in the midst of wolves, y’all! Ain’t that sumthin’? Some will want to kill us! Then of course we have Jesus telling us, “Y’all best not dis Me among people, cause, guess what? Y’all get the same from my Father.” (That’s the NHV - Nazareth Hood Version.)
All of that is promised for us to meet. (Not the pep talk you want to hear as a new believer, right?) So why even live the life or do the work? Can’t say many people have not seen the way and not looked back. It’s not easy, but the results of our obedience and surrender will far outweigh the struggle.
Jesus promised that He has given us authority over disease, sickness and even demons. That any evil we face here, He will payback accordingly. And if anyone receives us, then heaven will reward them even if they just hand us a cup of water. Ultimately, it’s not about our ease that is of great value to God. Like any driven person with a goal in mind, comfort is an enemy to fulfilled mission. And the mission is to bring lost sons and daughters back to Him. That’s a big deal. Yuge.
Maybe some would ask, “Why all of that struggle? Can’t we all just let people live their lives and not bother with all of that? Can’t we all just get along?” Of course this is a good sentiment. We are called to be peacemakers, anyhow, so why the fuss? Well, the issue is that truth is naturally dividing. Though we should not be divisive, we should understand that truth will affect people in ways that may make them feel defensive, negative or subverted; people who are adamant that their ways are right, don’t want to hear that they’ve been wrong for a long time.
What’s really interesting is that Jesus said, “I didn’t come to bring peace, I came to bring a sword.” Wait, what? The Scriptures tell us that Jesus is the “Prince of Peace” so how can He say that He’s not here to bring peace? And the sword goes beyond strangers into our own families. What’s this all about? It’s all about the truth!
The truth is people have been enemies of God. We, as a whole, have resisted God and His Will for us. We are about our own ways and whims. We love ourselves, our pleasures and own desires. (And it’s just getting worst and worst.) We are unholy and separated from God because of it. So when His emissaries, those who have surrendered to Him, come with the message of repentance (same way Jesus started His ministry), people will resist that. It’s not against us. It’s against the message of God for reconciliation and holiness. This is the reason why Jesus said, “They’ll hate you because they hated Me.” They don’t hate Jesus for His grace and love. They hate Him for His truth and holiness.
So there will be challenges, big ones, serving God and pursuing His mission, but those that overcome will receive a reward that is out of this world! So we are called to the challenge and we will overcome! You know how we can say that? Because Jesus is our Teacher and He has shown us by His example that even death can’t stop us.
Lord, I know You have made me ready to face any challenges that may face me, so I need Your help to face them like I can. Help me not to look at my weaknesses but Your strength. Help me to lean on Your power and authority. Let me be confident that if I follow Your calling, You will perform through me Your power. Give me the grace to walk in courage and not in concern. I know You got me; teach me to lean on that. In Your Name, Jesus, I pray, amen.