The Seed and Soil

SUFFERING AND ABUSE ARE SEED FOR THE SOIL! Have you considered the growth of a tree? Choose whatever tree you want: apple, maple, pine, oak, or redwood. They all begin as a simple seed. All that’s needed to bring that tree to fullness is in that seed. The trunk, the branches, the leaves, the fruit, even the roots are miraculously ingrained in that seed.

There’s nothing that would make up a simple sampling to a giant that’s not in that seed.

Now consider the seed and its partner, the soil. Without the soil, the potential of the seed can not be achieved. Without the soil there is no place to anchor the roots that would come from the seed. Without the soil there would be no exchange of nutrients and watering that would supply the budding seed its “food” for growth.

No matter how small or how large a tree would be, without the soil it’ll never become.

The seed and the soil are a marriage of sorts. These two have to work in sync in order for the tree to reach its potential. In fact, the soil also needs the seed to bring out its potential. They are each other’s potentiator.

Now let’s consider abuse and hurt or negativity. Much like a positive word can produce so can hurt and abuses.


Can You Handle It?