5 Things That Can Make The Change Our World Needs


The weight of injustice is and was heavy on our black brothers and sisters. It has gone to a boil after the death of George Floyd.

What is our response? What will we do? Inactions by those in the highest offices has led to our current state of being as a country. We are, now, facing the inactions of yesteryears.

Today we as a people have a chance for real change. Take time and consider what your next move will be.

Here are some thoughts on what we can do:
1. If you’re white or non black, reach out to your black friends. If you don’t have any, call a local congregation whose pastor is black. I’m almost positive they will give you the time for conversation. Phrase any statement as a question then be quiet and LISTEN.

2. If you’re black, don’t be afraid to share your heart and hurts, but don’t forget to share your hopes. Take someone’s hand that is beginning the journey. Help them talk about the hard issues.

3. If you’re a believer in Jesus, it’s time to bring people into prayer. If you’re part of a congregation that does not have diversity of people, then invite church leaders who are part of the black community, from a different congregation, and help them share and pray with you. And if you’re already in a diverse church, convene a group and pray together for the healing of our country and change in our legislation.

4. If you’re a pastor or a community leader, create a watch party and watch the conversation below. Then foster a dialogue in line with the discussion points of the video. (Remember the conversation is unrehearsed, unscripted, and raw.)


5. Make your voice heard at the ballot box. We are blessed to be living in the United States of America. I want to encourage you to reconsider labeling yourself a “political party”. Search people out. Write people in. Run for office yourself. Change has to happen. And you and I can make it happen ... in Jesus Name.

#onwardupward #wewillnotbesastisfied


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