How To Love Without Pandering?

Trevor Dayley is a well known and beloved rep for a photography company that provides modifiers for off camera flash. I know him because of this. About 2 weeks ago he had posted something on his timeline (about CoVID) that really made him look insensitive and bias which he later recognized, acknowledged and apologized for. He spoke of the event in the conversation, and he followed up with this question.

I’m glad I had Trevor on. He was the only non minister on my panel and he provided us with a layperson’s perspective on white people coming to terms with their color and cultural blindness.

It was an incredible conversation last night and on this clip the panel answered Trevor’s question with powerful statements. Prophet Daniel McClendon, Pastor/Doctor Peter M. Eley, Debra Mccaw answer the question and Andre J Berry gives us all a big laugh to close the segment.

(On a production part, I did some tech tweaks that didn't look so good. 😩😅)


It’s Not Politics, It’s Pain


From Virus to Violence, The Middle of A Test